Tip #1
You've decided you want to be a writer.
But wait.
Before you even take one more step.
Before your fingers tap open that word document.
Before you choose that perfect 'hand-writing' font that's 'perfect' for your diary-themed novel.
(Please, please don't even consider it)
And before you email your vaguely interested relatives and your facebook friends (who have likely already hidden your posts) that you're going to become a best-selling author.
Learn this one simple rule.
The bread-and-butter of writing.
Show, Don't Tell.
It's quite simple really; leave the 'telling' for an essay and 'show' your readers what you want them to see.
For example, instead of stating:
Linda was nervous about giving Jeremy the china, due to his reputation of being very clumsy.
Try instead:
"Sorry, sorry." Jeremy muttered as he handed Mrs Jones her feathered hat back. There was really no need for her to look so unimpressed; it had only flown a couple metres and he hadn't meant to knock it flying. Jeremy coughed, and stepped onto the platform - only slightly losing his balance - before holding out his hands. "I can carry the rest of it to the truck."
Linda visibly clutched the china teapot that little bit tighter.
Do you see the difference? By adding 'show', you're adding the butter to the dry piece of bread. 'Showing' is a way to add colour to your story and make it much more interesting to the average reader.
Remember: Show, don't Tell.
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